
Crack the code for higher open rates!

This prompt is designed to create engaging newsletters that your subscribers will want to open.

Base Prompt

The prompt below will create three different versions of an engaging newsletter to send to your audience. Copy the text below into ChatGPT and start customizing it to your needs by replacing the Inputs as explained below

Prompt for Generating Newsletters for a Company


1. Company Information: Use the below example as a reference to input your information
   - Example: "We've been in the ABC business for over 50 years, serving thousands of satisfied customers across the United States..."

2. Target Audience: Use the below example as a reference to input your own information
   - Example: "Our target audience includes working professionals and retirees aged between 30 and 60, located in the United States. They are interested in financial planning, risk management, and securing their future..."

3. Content Themes: Use the below example as a reference to input your own information
   - Example: "Our newsletter covers a range of topics including x, y, z, and success stories from our satisfied customers..."

4. Call to Action: Use the below example as a reference to input your own information
   - Example: "If you have any questions or would like to explore our solutions further, click here to schedule a free consultation with one of our experts."


Given this information, generate three different newsletters, each with an engaging subject line and valuable content that resonates with your target audience. Set the temperature to around 0.2-0.3 for focused and consistent output, max tokens to around 300-500 to keep the newsletter concise, and top p to around 0.9 for a balance between determinism and diversity.


Newsletter 1:

Newsletter 2:

Newsletter 3:


The input section has four essential inputs that you can customize based on your needs.

Company Information: Input any key company information

Target Audience: Describe who the target audience is for your newsletter

Content Themes: Share the main themes or topics you want to cover in your newsletter. This could include industry news, tips and advice, product updates, or other relevant content.

Call To Action: Identify the action you want the readers to take after reading the newsletter.

Intermediate Prompt

Prompt for Generating Newsletters for a Company


1. Sample Newsletters:
   - Example: "Subject: Monthly Insurance Insights - June 2023, Body: Dear [Subscriber's Name], Welcome to the June edition of our Insurance Insights newsletter..."

2. Company Information:
   - Example: "We've been in the insurance business for over 50 years, serving thousands of satisfied customers across the United States..."

3. Target Audience:
   - Example: "Our target audience includes working professionals and retirees aged between 30 and 60, located in the United States. They are interested in financial planning, risk management, and securing their future..."

4. Content Themes:
   - Example: "Our newsletter covers a range of topics including retirement planning, life insurance tips, healthcare updates, and success stories from our satisfied customers..."

5. Brand Voice:
   - Example: "Our brand voice is friendly and informative, providing valuable insights in a conversational tone. We aim to simplify insurance concepts and empower our readers..."

6. Call to Action:
   - Example: "If you have any questions or would like to explore our insurance solutions further, click here to schedule a free consultation with one of our experts."


1. Generate newsletters each with a compelling subject line and valuable content that resonates with your target audience and a clear call to action.
2. Quantity: 3 
3. Call to Action: A clear call to action related to the specific context of your business
4. Temperature: 0.2-0.3 
5. Max Tokens: around 300-500


Newsletter 1:

Newsletter 2:

Newsletter 3:


The intermediate prompt adds two additional inputs you can customize based on your needs.

Sample Newsletters: Input your own or other newsletters you have enjoyed to train GPT on what type of newsletter content it should aim to produce.

Brand Voice: If your company has a specific brand voice or style guide, add it here.


The task section allows you to customize the settings of the output. We have provided here a few examples of the most commonly used settings to include in the intermediate prompt.

Quantity: Change how many newsletters are generated

Call To Action: Change what action you want someone to take at the end of the newsletter

Temperature: Change the creativity of the newsletter

Max Tokens: Change the length of the newsletter

Advanced Customization

The below customizations serve as inspiration to further refine your newsletter to ensure it captures your brand voice and gets your audience to take the desired action.

Prompt for Generating Newsletters for an Insurance Company


1. Sample Newsletters:
   - Description: Provide at least 5 examples each of successful and unsuccessful newsletters you've used in the past.
   - Example: "Subject: Monthly Insurance Insights - June 2023, Body: Dear [Subscriber's Name], Welcome to the June edition of our Insurance Insights newsletter..."

2. Company Information:
   - Description: Share a brief history of your company, its mission, and any awards or recognition you've received.
   - Example: "We've been in the insurance business for over 50 years, serving thousands of satisfied customers across the United States..."

3. Target Audience:
   - Description: Describe the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your target audience. If you're targeting an individual, provide specific details about them such as their name, job title, company, professional interests, past interactions with your company, and relevant personal details.
   - Example: "Our target audience includes working professionals and retirees aged between 30 and 60, located in the United States. They are interested in financial planning, risk management, and securing their future..."

4. Content Themes:
   - Description: Specify the main themes or topics you want to cover in your newsletter. This could include industry news, tips and advice, product updates, customer success stories, or any other relevant content.
   - Example: "Our newsletter covers a range of topics including retirement planning, life insurance tips, healthcare updates, and success stories from our satisfied customers..."

5. Brand Voice:
   - Description: If your company has a specific brand voice or style guide, include this in the prompt.
   - Example: "Our brand voice is friendly and informative, providing valuable insights in a conversational tone. We aim to simplify insurance concepts and empower our readers..."

6. Call to Action:
   - Description: Specify the action you want the readers to take after reading the newsletter.
   - Example: "If you have any questions or would like to explore our insurance solutions further, click here to schedule a free consultation with one of our experts."

7. Personalization Tokens:
   - Description: Include specific data points about the individual subscribers for further personalization.
   - Example: "The recipient recently visited our retirement planning webpage and expressed interest in our life insurance products..."

8. A/B Testing Results:
   - Description: Share insights from previous A/B tests on newsletter campaigns.
   - Example: "Newsletters with compelling subject lines had higher open rates and click-through rates..."

9. Frequency of Newsletters:
   - Description: Specify the frequency at which you plan to send newsletters (e.g., monthly, quarterly) and any relevant scheduling details.
   - Example: "We send monthly newsletters on the first Monday of every month. Our next edition will be released on July 3, 2023..."

10. Customer Segmentation:
   - Description: Provide details about different segments within your target audience. This could include factors such as age groups, income levels, geographical locations, or specific customer personas.
   - Example: "We have identified two key customer segments: young professionals starting their careers and families planning for their children's future..."

11. Customer Feedback:
   - Description: Include feedback or testimonials from satisfied customers to showcase the positive experiences they've had with your insurance products or services.
   - Example: "Here's what one of our customers, John Smith, had to say about our life insurance policy: 'I feel secure knowing that my family is protected financially...'"

12. Industry Updates:
   - Description: Stay informed about the latest industry trends, regulatory changes, or market updates relevant to the insurance industry.
   - Example: "Recent regulatory changes have impacted retirement planning options. We explain how these changes may affect your retirement savings..."

13. Seasonal or Time-Sensitive Content:
   - Description: Incorporate content that aligns with current events, holidays, or seasonal considerations. This can help keep the newsletter timely and relevant.
   - Example: "As we approach the end of the year, now is a great time to review your insurance coverage and make any necessary adjustments..."

14. Interactive Elements:
   - Description: Consider including interactive elements in your newsletter, such as polls, surveys, or quizzes, to encourage reader engagement and gather feedback.
   - Example: "Take our quick insurance quiz to test your knowledge and receive personalized recommendations based on your answers..."


Generate three different newsletters for a company. Each newsletter should have the following structure:

1. Introduction:
   - Start the newsletter with a warm greeting and introduce the main topic or theme.
   - Example: "Dear [Subscriber's Name], Welcome to the June edition of our Insurance Insights newsletter..."

2. Engaging Subject Line:
   - Craft an attention-grabbing subject line that entices readers to open the newsletter.
   - Example: "Monthly Insights - June 2023: Retirement Planning Tips and Life Insurance Updates"

3. Content Sections:
   - Include at least three content sections in the newsletter, covering different aspects of insurance-related topics.
   - Example content sections: 
     a) Retirement Planning Tips: Provide actionable tips and strategies for effective retirement planning.
     b) Life Insurance Updates: Share recent updates or new offerings in life insurance products.
     c) Success Story Spotlight: Highlight a customer success story or testimonial.

4. Call to Action:
   - End the newsletter with a clear call to action, encouraging readers to take the next step.
   - Example: "If you have any questions or would like to explore our solutions further, click here to schedule a free consultation with one of our experts."


Newsletter 1:

Newsletter 2:

Newsletter 3:

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