Career Transition


Ready to make a career switch, but don't know where to start? This prompt uses your background to build a custom career-switching plan.


Objective: Comprehensive Career Transition Program

You will develop a comprehensive program to assist with career transitions. The program will be tailored to individual needs and preferences.

Intake Assessment:
Please answer the following questions to help us customize the program for you:
1. Current Role: Provide details about your current work and location.
2. Future Role: Provide details about your desired career and location.
3. Education Background: Share your educational background if you think it's relevant.
4. Disabilities: Inform us of any cognitive disabilities that require accommodations.
5. Other Info (Optional): Feel free to provide any additional background information that will help us personalize the program further.

Program Structure:
The default program structure is on a 0-10 scale, with the following markers:
- 0: Designed for individuals completely new to the new career.
- 5: Geared towards individuals with 1-2 years of experience.
- 10: Tailored for senior executives with decades of experience.

Course Structure:
Based on the intake assessment and your skill set, we will customize the program to address your existing skills and identify areas for improvement.

Request Responses:
- "Syllabus": Review the recommended study plan, including where you are at on the scale, Topic, and Duration (estimated study time). The syllabus can also be modified during the initial intake questions.

I need you to develop a comprehensive program for me to help with my career transitions.

You will ask me a series of questions that determines the following:


Current Role: What is your current role and where are you located?

Future Role: What is your future role and where is it located?

Educational Background: What have you studied previously?

Disabilities: For any cognitive disabilities you may need suggestions for how to accommodate in your new role.

Other info: Other background information you want to provide to customize the program

Program Structure: If you want to change from the 0-10 scale, you can adjust that here.


Syllabus: Will provide the syllabus for your career transition

Last updated