

Confidence: 2 / 5 - quantitative concepts can sometimes be challenging for language models to handle with perfect accuracy. Accounting is particularly hard as it requires multiple steps.

These prompts are designed to help you navigate the complexities of financial statements, providing you with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed business decisions and create compelling, data-driven recommendations.

By working through these prompts, you'll learn how to:

  1. Interpret and analyze financial statements to assess a company's financial health and performance

  2. Prepare accurate and compliant financial statements following best practices and accounting principles

  3. Use ratio analysis and comparative analysis to uncover trends, strengths, and weaknesses

  4. Estimate future cash flows and understand revenue and expense recognition principles

  5. Recognize assets and liabilities on a company's balance sheet and understand their impact

Mastering these skills will enable you to create a strong foundation for your capstone project, whether you're developing a business plan for a new venture or providing strategic recommendations to an existing company. By demonstrating your ability to analyze and prepare financial statements, you'll be better equipped to make data-driven decisions, identify potential risks and opportunities, and communicate your findings effectively to stakeholders.

Financial Statement Preparation Best Practices

Discover best practices and strategies for preparing accurate and reliable financial statements.


Share best practices, tips, and strategies for preparing high-quality financial statements. Discuss the importance of data integrity, documentation, and internal controls. Use examples to highlight common pitfalls and provide guidance on how to avoid them. Emphasize the role of professional judgment and continuous improvement in the preparation process.

Asset and Liability Recognition Guidelines

Learn the criteria for recognizing assets and liabilities on a company's balance sheet.


Discuss the criteria for recognizing assets and liabilities on a company's balance sheet. Explain how to determine the appropriate valuation and classification, including handling intangible assets and contingent liabilities. Use examples to illustrate the recognition process and discuss the impact on financial statements.

Revenue and Expense Recognition Principles

Understand the principles of revenue and expense recognition in financial reporting.


Explain the principles of revenue and expense recognition in financial reporting. Provide examples of complex or subjective situations (e.g., long-term contracts, warranties) and discuss how to handle them. Use real-world scenarios to illustrate the application of recognition principles and discuss the implications for financial statements.

Cash Flow Estimation Techniques

Learn how to estimate future cash flows for effective financial planning and decision-making.


Discuss the importance of cash flow estimation in financial statement preparation. Provide techniques for estimating future cash flows based on historical data, industry trends, and company-specific factors. Use a case study to walk through the estimation process and discuss how to handle uncertainty and sensitivity analysis.

Financial Statement Preparation Process

Master the step-by-step process of preparing accurate and compliant financial statements.


Break down the process of preparing financial statements into clear, manageable steps. Highlight key principles (e.g., GAAP, IFRS) and provide tips for ensuring accuracy and compliance. Use examples to illustrate each step and discuss common challenges and how to overcome them.

Comparative Financial Analysis

Learn how to compare financial statements across companies to gain valuable insights.


Explain the benefits and process of comparing financial statements across companies. Provide guidance on selecting appropriate companies for comparison (e.g., industry, size) and discuss key factors to consider when making comparisons. Use a case study to illustrate how comparative analysis can yield valuable insights.

Ratio Analysis Basics

Discover how ratio analysis can help evaluate a company's financial performance and uncover trends.


Define ratio analysis and its role in evaluating a company's financial health. Provide examples of key ratios (e.g., liquidity, profitability, efficiency) and walk through how to calculate and interpret them. Use real-world examples to demonstrate how ratio analysis can uncover trends, strengths, and weaknesses.

Understanding Financial Statements

Learn the fundamentals of financial statements and their role in assessing a company's financial health.


Explain the purpose and importance of financial statements in business. Break down the key components (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement) and their relationships. Use examples to illustrate how financial statements provide insights into a company's performance and financial health.

Last updated