LinkedIn Messages

Your LinkedIn Messages Don't Work!

We have designed a prompt to increase your Cold LinkedIn Message Conversion.

Base Prompt

The following Prompt helps with generating 3 LinkedIn Messages you could utilize for cold outreach. Copy the text below into ChatGPT and start customizing it to your needs by replacing the Inputs as explained below

Prompt for Generating LinkedIn Outreach Messages for XYZ Company


1. Company Information: Use the below example as a reference to input your own information
   - Example: "We've been in the ABC business for over 50 years, serving thousands of satisfied customers across the United States..."

2. Target Audience: Use the below example as a reference to input your own information
   - Example: "Our target audience is working professionals and retirees aged between 30 and 60, located in the United States..."

3. Value Proposition: Use the below example as a reference to input your own information
   - Example: "Unlike other ABC companies, we prioritize our customers' needs above all else..."


Given the provided information, generate three distinct LinkedIn outreach messages, each with an engaging subject line and a clear call to action related to the specific context of your business. For generating effective LinkedIn messages, set the temperature to around 0.4-0.5 for a balance between creativity and consistency, max tokens to around 200-300 to keep the message concise and readable, and top p to around 0.9 for a balance between determinism and diversity.


Message 1:

Message 2:

Message 3:


The input section has three essential inputs that you can customize based on your needs.

Company Information: Share a brief history of your company, its mission, and any awards or recognition you've received.

Target Audience: Describe the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your target audience. If you're targeting an individual, provide specific details about them such as their name, job title, company, professional interests, past interactions with your company, and relevant personal details.

Value Proposition: Explain what sets your product or service apart from the competition.

Intermediate Prompt

This prompt has two additional inputs and allows you to control the output settings

Prompt for Generating LinkedIn Outreach Messages for XYZ Company


1. Company Information: Use the below example as a reference to input your own information
   - Example: "We've been in the ABC business for over 50 years, serving thousands of satisfied customers across the United States..."

2. Target Audience: Use the below example as a reference to input your own information
   - Example: "Our target audience is working professionals and retirees aged between 30 and 60, located in the United States..."

3. Product Information: Use the below example as a reference to input your own information
   - Example: "We offer a range of ABC products including X, Y, and Z..."

4. Value Proposition: Use the below example as a reference to input your own information
   - Example: "Unlike other ABC companies, we prioritize our customer's needs above all else..."

5. Call to Action: Use the below example as a reference to input your own information
   - Example: "Click here to schedule a free consultation with one of our ABC Industry experts."


1. Generate LinkedIn Outreach messages each with a compelling subject line and a clear call to action.
2. Quantity: 3 
3. Call to Action: A clear call to action related to the specific context of your business
4. Temperature: 0.4-0.5 
5. Max Tokens: around 200-300


Message 1:

Message 2:

Message 3:


The intermediate prompt adds two additional inputs you can customize based on your needs.

Product Information: Detail the features and benefits of your product or service.

Call to Action: Specify the action you want the recipient to take after reading the message.


The task section allows you to customize the settings of the output. We have provided here a few examples of the most commonly used settings to include in the intermediate prompt.

Quantity: Change the number of messages generated.

Call to Action: The action you want the recipient to take.

Temperature: Change the creativity of the email. The scale is 0-1.

Max Tokens: Change the length of the messages.


Output: Adjust the output format if you want your messages outputted in a different manner.

Advanced Customizations

What are they? They are customizations that one can add to the base prompt to tailor the outreach message to a specific set of audiences or purpose

How to use them? Add the customizations you want to use to the inputs section of the base prompt

Multi-shot customization

Purpose: You can further customize your output by providing past examples of outreach messages/emails. These past work samples will teach ChatGPT what 'good' looks like when generating new outputs

Description: Provide at least 5 examples of successful and unsuccessful LinkedIn outreach messages you've used in the past.

1. Previous Messages: 
   - Copy and past previous messages here to include in your prompt

Other advanced customizations

The below customizations serve as inspiration to further refine your outreach messages to increase the chance of success.

Prompt for Generating LinkedIn Outreach Messages for XYZ Company


1. Company Information: Use the below example as a reference to input your own information
   - Example: "We've been in the ABC business for over 50 years, serving thousands of satisfied customers across the United States..."

2. Target Audience: Use the below example as a reference to input your own information
   - Example: "Our target audience is working professionals and retirees aged between 30 and 60, located in the United States..."

3. Product Information: Use the below example as a reference to input your own information
   - Example: "We offer a range of ABC products including X, Y, and Z..."

4. Value Proposition: Use the below example as a reference to input your own information
   - Example: "Unlike other ABC companies, we prioritize our customer's needs above all else..."

5. Call to Action: Use the below example as a reference to input your own information
   - Example: "Click here to schedule a free consultation with one of our ABC Industry experts."

6. Personalization Tokens: 
   - Description: Include specific data points about the individual recipient for further personalization.
   - Example: "The recipient recently engaged with our LinkedIn post on retirement planning..."

7. Brand Voice: 
   - Description: If your company has a specific brand voice or style guide, include this in the prompt.
   - Example: "Our brand voice is friendly and professional, with a focus on clear, concise communication..."

8. LinkedIn Specific Insights: 
   - Description: Share any specific insights or data about what works well on LinkedIn for your target audience.
   - Example: "Our target audience is most active on LinkedIn during weekdays, particularly on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings..."

9. Connection Status: 
   - Description: Specify whether you're reaching out to existing connections or new contacts on LinkedIn.
   - Example: "These messages are for cold outreach to people who we are not currently connected with on LinkedIn..."

10. Follow-up Strategy: 
   - Description: Share details about your follow-up strategy, such as the time frame for sending follow-up messages and the content typically included.
   - Example: "We typically wait one week before sending a follow-up message, which includes additional information about our products and an invitation to a free consultation..."

11. A/B Testing Results: 
   - Description: Share insights from previous A/B tests on LinkedIn outreach campaigns.
   - Example: "Messages with a personal touch in the opening line had higher response rates..."

12. Frequency of Follow-ups: 
   - Description: If you plan to send follow-up messages, create the initial message content with this in mind.
   - Example: "We plan to send a series of three messages. The first will introduce our product, the second will provide more detailed information, and the third will offer a discount..."

13. Company's LinkedIn Presence: 
   - Description: Detail your company's activity on LinkedIn, such as regular content```vbnet
posts, participation in discussions, or hosted events.
   - Example: "Our company has an active LinkedIn presence, regularly posting industry insights and participating in relevant discussions..."

14. LinkedIn Profile of the Sender: 
   - Description: Provide information about the LinkedIn profile of the person who will be sending these messages, such as their role in the company, their experience, and any notable achievements or endorsements.
   - Example: "The messages will be sent by our Head of Sales, who has over 10 years of experience in the insurance industry and numerous endorsements for customer service..."

15. Success Metrics: 
   - Description: Explain how you measure the success of a LinkedIn outreach campaign.
   - Example: "We measure the success of our LinkedIn outreach based on the response rate and the number of scheduled consultations..."


1. Generate LinkedIn Outreach messages each with a compelling subject line and a clear call to action.
2. Quantity: 3 
3. Call to Action: A clear call to action related to the specific context of your business
4. Temperature: 0.4-0.5 
5. Max Tokens: around 200-300


Message 1:

Message 2:

Message 3:

Last updated