Organization Behavior


Confidence: 3 / 5 - The usefulness of using LLMs to help with org behavior / leaderships concepts is heavily dependent on the detail you provide. It will fallback on giving you generic advice unless you provide sufficient background information on the problem.

Effective decision making is critical for driving organizational success, adapting to change, and creating value for stakeholders. This series of prompts is designed to help you master essential decision making concepts and techniques, such as group decision making processes, individual decision making approaches, and explicit techniques for avoiding decision biases.

By working through these prompts, you will learn how to:

  1. Apply effective group decision making processes, such as maintaining independence, avoiding common information bias, eliciting full participation, and aggregating information, to optimize outcomes and avoid common pitfalls

  2. Understand and apply individual decision making processes, such as evaluating a good decision and focusing on process, to make high-quality decisions and avoid cognitive biases

  3. Learn and apply explicit techniques, such as the WRAP process (Widen options, Reality-test assumptions, Attain distance, Prepare to be wrong), to avoid decision biases and improve decision quality

Group Decision Making

Master effective group decision making processes to optimize outcomes and avoid common pitfalls.


[Action]: Provide an overview of key group decision making processes, such as [maintaining independence], [avoiding common information bias], [avoiding polarization], [eliciting full participation], and [aggregating information]. Explain the importance of each process and provide strategies for implementing them effectively in group decision making settings. Discuss the potential challenges and risks associated with group decision making and how to mitigate them.

[Background]: I have a [level] understanding of group decision making from my [relevant experience or education] but want to learn how to apply these processes effectively to real-world business scenarios.

[Industry]: The industry I am focusing on for my project is the [industry].

[Application]: I plan to use group decision making processes to facilitate effective decision making in my project team, ensure all perspectives are considered, and avoid common biases and pitfalls that can lead to suboptimal outcomes.

[Additional Requests]: Please provide case studies that demonstrate the successful application of group decision making processes in the [industry] industry, and discuss the challenges and considerations in implementing these techniques in different organizational contexts.

Individual Decision Making

Understand and apply individual decision making processes to make high-quality decisions and avoid cognitive biases.


[Action]: Explain the key components of effective individual decision making, such as [evaluating a good decision] and [focusing on process]. Provide a step-by-step guide on how to structure the decision making process, gather and analyze relevant information, and evaluate alternatives. Discuss common cognitive biases that can impact individual decision making, such as [anchoring], [confirmation bias], and [sunk cost fallacy], and provide strategies for mitigating their impact.

[Background]: I have a [level] understanding of individual decision making from my [relevant experience or education] but want to deepen my knowledge of how to apply these concepts effectively to real-world business scenarios.

[Industry]: The industry I am focusing on for my project is the [industry].

[Application]: I plan to use individual decision making processes to make informed, rational decisions in my role as [position] in my project company, and to help others in my team develop their decision making skills.

[Additional Requests]: Please provide examples of how successful business leaders in the [industry] have applied effective individual decision making processes to make high-stakes decisions and drive organizational success.

Decision Bias Avoidance Techniques

Learn and apply explicit techniques, such as the WRAP process, to avoid decision biases and improve decision quality.


[Action]: Introduce the concept of decision biases and their impact on decision quality. Provide an overview of the WRAP process (Widen options, Reality-test assumptions, Attain distance, Prepare to be wrong) and explain how each step helps to mitigate decision biases. Discuss other techniques for avoiding decision biases, such as [devil's advocacy], [pre-mortem analysis], and [decision trees]. Provide a step-by-step guide on how to apply these techniques in real-world decision making scenarios.

[Background]: I have a [level] understanding of decision biases from my [relevant experience or education] but want to learn how to apply explicit techniques like the WRAP process to avoid these biases in practice.

[Industry]: The industry I am focusing on for my project is the [industry].

[Application]: I plan to use the WRAP process and other decision bias avoidance techniques to make more objective, high-quality decisions in my role as [position] in my project company, and to help foster a culture of rational decision making in my organization.

[Additional Requests]: Please provide case studies that demonstrate the successful application of decision bias avoidance techniques, such as the WRAP process, in the [industry] industry, and discuss the challenges and considerations in implementing these techniques in different organizational contexts.

Last updated