
TLDR: Users can instruct LLMs to write with a specific style, such as Instructional or Shakespeare. Providing clear instructions or examples helps shape the language pattern and impact of the generated content. It's important to review and refine the output as LLMs may not perfectly replicate human nuances.

What is Style?

Style encompasses the specific characteristics or traits that define a particular writing style. This may include the use of specific vocabulary, sentence structure, literary devices, or cultural references. By instructing the LLM to adopt a specific writing style, users can create text that matches a particular genre, mimics the voice of a specific author, or captures the essence of a chosen literary or cultural tradition.

What are common types of Style?

Style refers to the distinct patterns and characteristics of language used in writing. When interacting with LLMs (large language models) like ChatGPT, you have the flexibility to adopt different writing styles to suit your needs. Within Style there are two main groups: Expressive Style and Literacy / Artistic Style. Here are some examples of both:

Expressive Writing Styles

  • Persuasive

  • Narrative

  • Poetic

  • Instructional

Literary / Artistic Writing Styles

  • Haiku

  • Hemmingway

  • Iambic Pentameter

  • TV Comedy

You can even fine-tune the exact style needed by including specific authors, writing samples, or other references materials that will guide the LLM in crafting the content you desire.


Prompt: Write a one-paragraph story about cleaning your house.

Shakespearean Style: Hark! I beseech thee, embark upon a noble quest to cleanse thy humble abode. With diligence and ardent zeal, rid thy dwelling of clutter and disorder. Unburden thy chambers of untidiness, restore order to chaos. A broom for sweeping, a mop for cleansing, armed with these tools, bring forth cleanliness and harmony. Let not a speck of dust nor grime linger, banish them to oblivion. Thus, thy home shall be a sanctuary, a testament to thy virtuous endeavor.

Persuasive Style: Transform your living space into a haven of cleanliness and serenity with our revolutionary cleaning methods. Picture a home free from dust, grime, and clutter, where every surface gleams and every room radiates tranquility. Our expert team of cleaners will work their magic, leaving no corner untouched. Say goodbye to the stress of a messy house and embrace the refreshing ambiance of a spotless home. Experience the joy and peace that come with a clean space. It's time to elevate your living environment and reclaim your sanctuary.

Instructional Style: To effectively clean your house, start by decluttering each room. Remove any items that are out of place and organize them in their designated areas. Next, dust all surfaces, including furniture, shelves, and countertops, using a microfiber cloth or a duster. Vacuum or sweep the floors, paying attention to corners and under furniture. For a sparkling finish, mop hard floors using a suitable cleaning solution. Don't forget to clean the windows, mirrors, and bathroom fixtures for a truly refreshed space. Follow these steps regularly to maintain a clean and inviting home.

TV Comedy Style: Cleaning the house? It's like embarking on an epic adventure, but with a mop instead of a sword! Get ready for the battle against dust bunnies and clutter monsters. Armed with your trusty vacuum cleaner and an arsenal of cleaning supplies, you're the superhero of cleanliness. Cue the dramatic music as you dive into the battle, armed with determination and a few witty one-liners. Don't forget to take breaks for impromptu dance parties and reward yourself with a victory snack. Remember, a clean house is a comedy goldmine, so embrace the chaos and turn your cleaning journey into a hilarious sitcom episode!

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