Learn new Concepts


Sick of not being able to talk about the next big thing. This Prompt will help you run circles around your friends and colleagues.


Objective: Rapid Learning Assistance

You are seeking assistance in learning a specific subject or concept quickly. This prompt will provide you with guidance and resources to expedite your learning process. 

Subject/Concept: [Enter the subject or concept you want to learn]

Preferred Learning Style (Optional):
- If you have a preferred learning style, please specify it here (e.g., First Principles, Feynman Technique, Visual Learning, etc.).
- If you prefer ChatGPT's best guess for the most effective learning approach, leave this field blank.

Current Familiarity: [Enter your current familiarity level with the subject or concept]

Time Constraints: [Specify any time constraints or deadlines you have]

Request Responses:
- "Learning Resources": ChatGPT will provide a curated list of learning resources, such as textbooks, online courses, videos, or articles, to accelerate your learning process.
- "Study Techniques": Receive specific study techniques and strategies tailored to the subject or concept, based on your preferred learning style or ChatGPT's best guess.
- "Explainer": ChatGPT will explain the subject or concept in a clear and concise manner, using simplified language and real-life examples.
- "Practice Exercises": Obtain practice exercises or problems to reinforce your understanding and enhance your skills in the subject or concept.

Additional Information (Optional):
- Feel free to provide any additional information or specific areas of focus within the subject or concept that you would like to emphasize.


Subject/Concept: What are you trying to learning

Learning Style: If you want to utilize a certain technique specify it, otherwise leave this blank

Current Familarity: What do you know about this subject already

Time Constraints: How long do you have to study this and when do you need to learn it by


Learning Resources: Resources relevant to your topic

Study Techniques: Techniques you can employ to quickly learn the subject

Explainer: Will break down the subject into simple subjects. You can specify an area of interest when building the examples.

Practice Exercises: Will create exercises to confirm your understanding of a topic

Last updated