Cold Email


The following Prompt helps with generating 3 Cold Emails for a fictional insurance company. To utilize it, you will need to replace the Example: content with your own content. You can customize it to your needs by replacing the Inputs as explained below



1. Sample Emails: 
   - Description: Provide at least 5 examples each of successful and unsuccessful cold emails you've used in the past. 
   - Example: "Subject: Secure Your Future with Our Retirement Plans, Body: Dear [Recipient's Name], Planning for retirement can be daunting..."

2. Company Information: 
   - Description: Share a brief history of your company, its mission, and any awards or recognition you've received.
   - Example: "We've been in the insurance business for over 50 years, serving thousands of satisfied customers across the United States..."

3. Target Audience: 
   - Description: Describe the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your target audience. If you're targeting an individual, provide specific details about them such as their name, job title, company, professional interests, past interactions with your company, and relevant personal details.
   - Example: "Our target audience is working professionals and retirees aged between 30 and 60, located in the United States..."

4. Product Information: 
   - Description: Detail the features and benefits of your product or service.
   - Example: "We offer a range of insurance products including life insurance, retirement plans, and health insurance..."

5. Value Proposition: 
   - Description: Explain what sets your product or service apart from the competition.
   - Example: "Unlike other insurance companies, we prioritize our customers' needs above all else..."

6. Call to Action: 
   - Description: Specify the action you want the recipient to take after reading the email.
   - Example: "Click here to schedule a free consultation with one of our insurance experts."

Optional Inputs:

1. Personalization Tokens: 
   - Description: Include specific data points about the individual recipient for further personalization.
   - Example: "The recipient recently downloaded our whitepaper on retirement planning..."

2. A/B Testing Results: 
   - Description: Share insights from previous A/B tests on email campaigns.
   - Example: "Emails with questions in the subject line had higher open rates..."

3. Brand Voice: 
   - Description: If your company has a specific brand voice or style guide, include this in the prompt.
   - Example: "Our brand voice is friendly and professional, with a focus on clear, concise communication..."

4. Frequency of Follow-ups: 
   - Description: If you plan to send follow-up emails, create the initial email content with this in mind.
   - Example: "We plan to send a series of three emails. The first will introduce our product, the second will provide more detailed information, and the third will offer a discount..."


Given this information, generate three different cold emails, each with a high-converting subject line and a clear call to action for scheduling a free consultation with one of the insurance experts. For generating high-converting cold emails, set the temperature to around 0.2-0.3 for focused and consistent output, max tokens to around 300-500 to keep the email concise, and top p to around 0.9 for a balance between determinism and diversity.


Email 1:

Email 2:

Email 3:


These are the main inputs for creating the cold emails. If you don't have previous successful emails it is okay to leave that section blank.

  1. Sample Emails:

    • Description: Provide at least 5 examples of successful and unsuccessful cold emails you've used in the past.

    • Example: "Subject: Secure Your Future with Our Retirement Plans, Body: Dear [Recipient's Name], Planning for retirement can be daunting..."

  2. Company Information:

    • Description: Share a brief history of your company, its mission, and any awards or recognition you've received.

    • Example: "We've been in the insurance business for over 50 years, serving thousands of satisfied customers across the United States..."

  3. Target Audience:

    • Description: Describe the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your target audience. If you're targeting an individual, provide specific details about them such as their name, job title, company, professional interests, past interactions with your company, and relevant personal details.

    • Example: "Our target audience is working professionals and retirees aged between 30 and 60, located in the United States..."

  4. Product Information:

    • Description: Detail the features and benefits of your product or service.

    • Example: "We offer a range of insurance products including life insurance, retirement plans, and health insurance..."

  5. Value Proposition:

    • Description: Explain what sets your product or service apart from the competition.

    • Example: "Unlike other insurance companies, we prioritize our customers' needs above all else..."

  6. Call to Action:

    • Description: Specify the action you want the recipient to take after reading the email.

    • Example: "Click here to schedule a free consultation with one of our insurance experts."

Optional Inputs

These inputs are less important and are only needed if you want further customization.

  1. Personalization Tokens:

    • Description: Include specific data points about the individual recipient for further personalization.

    • Example: "The recipient recently downloaded our whitepaper on retirement planning..."

  2. A/B Testing Results:

    • Description: Share insights from previous A/B tests on email campaigns.

    • Example: "Emails with questions in the subject line had higher open rates..."

  3. Brand Voice:

    • Description: If your company has a specific brand voice or style guide, include this in the prompt.

    • Example: "Our brand voice is friendly and professional, with a focus on clear, concise communication..."

  4. Frequency of Follow-ups:

    • Description: If you plan to send follow-up emails, create the initial email content with this in mind.

    • Example: "We plan to send a series of three emails. The first will introduce our product, the second will provide more detailed information, and the third will offer a discount..."


Quantity: Adjust this line "generate three different cold emails" to change the number of emails generated.

Focus Area: Adjust this line "for scheduling a free consultation with one of the insurance experts" to change what action you want the recipient to take.

Temperature: Adjust this line "set the temperature to around 0.2-0.3" to change the creativity of the email. The scale is 0-1.

Email Length: Adjust this line "max tokens to around 300-500" to change the length of the emails

Top P: Adjust this line "top p to around 0.9" to change how consistent the emails are. The scale is 0-1.

Output: Adjust the output format if you want your emails outputted in a different manner.

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