
Introducing AskYourPDF, a powerful ChatGPT plugin designed to enhance your PDF interactions within the ChatGPT environment. With AskYourPDF, you can seamlessly integrate PDF document analysis and retrieval capabilities into your ChatGPT conversations.

To get started with AskYourPDF, simply provide a URL link to a PDF document or a document ID (doc_id) to the plugin. If you provide a URL, AskYourPDF validates the link, downloads the PDF, and stores its content in a vector database for efficient querying. Alternatively, if you provide a doc_id, the plugin retrieves the document directly from the database.

Once the PDF is stored or retrieved, AskYourPDF scans through the PDFs to find answers to your queries or retrieve specific details. The plugin leverages its database of PDF content to provide accurate and relevant information based on your requests.

In the event that an error occurs while querying the AskYourPDF API, the plugin offers an alternative solution. You are prompted to download your document first, and then manually upload it to a specified location. After the upload is complete, you can copy the resulting doc_id and paste it back into the chat for further interaction. This approach ensures that you can continue to work with your PDF documents even in the presence of API errors.

It is important to note that AskYourPDF's security standards and support information are not explicitly specified on their website. While they claim to delete your data and keep it secure, it is essential to exercise caution and seek further clarification regarding their privacy policies and data protection measures. At the time of writing, we were unable to locate their privacy policy on their website.

AskYourPDF offers unique features such as storing PDF documents in a vector database for efficient querying and providing the page number where the relevant information was found. If you prefer working with a ChatGPT plugin that supports these functionalities or if you require specific page-level information from your PDFs, AskYourPDF could be a suitable choice for your PDF interactions.

In summary, AskYourPDF empowers ChatGPT with the ability to analyze and retrieve information from PDF documents seamlessly. While their security standards and support information may require further clarification, the plugin's functionality and its capabilities to store PDFs for efficient querying and provide page-level details can be valuable for users working extensively with PDF documents in their ChatGPT conversations.

Last updated