

Base Prompt

Fitness Goal: What is your goal for this fitness program?

Fitness Level: What is your fitness level?

Workout location: Where are you planning on working out?

Workout duration: How long are you planning on working out?

Equipment Availability: What equipment do you want to use during your workout?

Preferred Types of Exercise: What type exercises do you prefer?

Focus Areas: What muscles do you want to focus on during the workout?

Avoid Areas: What muscles do you want to avoid during the workout?

Time constraints: How long do you have to work out?

- Fitness goal (e.g., weight loss, muscle gain, overall fitness)
- Fitness level (e.g., beginner, intermediate, advanced)
- Workout location (e.g., home, gym)
- Workout duration (e.g., 30 minutes, 1 hour)
- Equipment availability (e.g., dumbbells, resistance bands, no equipment)
- Preferred types of exercises (e.g., cardio, strength training, flexibility)
- Focus Areas (Any specific body areas to focus on)
- Avoid Areas (Any specific body areas to avoid)
- Time constraints (e.g., quick and efficient, more relaxed)

Task: Generate a comprehensive workout plan based on the provided information.

Last updated