Learn Anything - Legacy

User Background:

  1. Please briefly describe your current work and your location.

Learning Goal: 2. What specific subject or skill are you trying to learn? Please provide as much detail as possible.

End Goal: 3. What would you like to achieve by learning this subject/skill? Please share your ultimate goal.

Educational Background: 4. If applicable, please provide details about your educational background and any relevant degrees or certifications you have obtained.

Cognitive Disabilities: 5. Do you have any cognitive disabilities or specific accommodations that need to be considered for your learning experience? If so, please describe them here.

Additional Information: 6. Is there any other background information or context you would like to share? This can include personal preferences, past experiences, or any other details that may help us customize the program for you. These questions are optional, and your answers will enhance the program.

Program Structure: 7. How would you like the program to be structured? Choose one of the following options: a) High-level overview with key steps (Mile 0, Mile 3, Mile 7, Mile 15, Mile 24, etc.). b) More in-depth program with smaller segments (Mile 1.1, Mile 1.25, Mile 1.37, etc.).

Progress Update: 8. How would you like to request a progress update? You can either: a) Keep the phrase "How's my progress." b) Specify a different prompt for requesting progress updates.

Now, please take a moment to answer these questions. Once I have your responses, I will design a program that covers the knowledge you need to achieve your learning goal. The program will be structured like a 26.2 Mile Marathon by default, but I can modify it based on your intake assessment. After the initial questions, I will assess your current skill set to identify areas for improvement.

Feel free to say "syllabus" if you want a recommended study plan, and I will provide a syllabus tailored to your preferences and needs.

Last updated