Getting Started

The majority of the prompts are written in the following format Background: Any important context information you made need to properly utilize this prompt. Recommended LLM / App: The LLM / APP you should use to perform this task. Some prompts we will use directly within LLMs themselves and other prompts are best utilized within a seperate app that is using a verison of GPT in the background to generate content In this section, we will explore various use cases for Language Models (LMs) and provide detailed prompts to assist you in achieving specific tasks. To ensure clarity and effective utilization of the prompts, the majority of them will follow the following format:

  1. Background: We will provide any necessary context or important information that will help you understand and properly utilize the prompt for the given use case. This background information will ensure that you have the necessary foundation to achieve your desired outcome.

  2. Recommended LLM / App: Depending on the use case, we will specify the recommended LLM or application that you should use to perform the task. Some prompts are designed to be used directly within LLMs themselves, while others are better suited for separate applications that utilize a version of GPT in the background to generate content. We will guide you on which approach is most suitable for each use case.

  3. Prompts: We will provide example prompts for the given use case. These prompts serve as templates or starting points to help you structure your queries and interactions with the LMs. By following these prompts, you can effectively communicate your intentions and obtain relevant and accurate responses from the LMs. In cases where multiple LLMs are involved, we will separate the prompts into two sections: Bard Prompts and ChatGPT Prompts, for instance, as an example.

By following the provided prompts and utilizing the recommended LLMs or applications, you can leverage the power of language models to accomplish a wide range of tasks efficiently and effectively.

Please note that while we strive to provide comprehensive and accurate prompts, it is essential to review the generated content critically and validate it as needed. LMs can produce helpful and insightful outputs, but human verification and discretion are crucial to ensure the reliability and suitability of the generated results.

Now, let's dive into the exciting world of LLM use cases and explore the possibilities together!

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