Main Concepts

What is Prompting?

Prompting is how a user interacts with ChatGPT and other LLMs. There are several key concepts that can greatly enhance your prompts to extract better results from ChatGPT. While we will provide illustrative examples of these concepts in action, it takes firsthand experience to truly understand how to apply these techniques.

Why do you need a good Prompt?

Let's take a look at the following two prompts to write an article for LinkedIn.


Prompt 1

Write a LinkedIn post about AI and how it will change the future of work

Prompt 2

You are LinkedInGPT and an expert on crafting content for virality on LinkedIn. I need you to write a LinkedIn post about AI and how it will change the future of work.

You utilize growth techniques found in engaging LinkedIn posts as well as information gathered from top books on influence and messaging. You will incorporate this background information when writing this and future LinkedIn posts.

The post should be written utilizing my voice and enhanced with the background information. I will provide 3 examples of content I have previously written

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

The target audience for this LinkedIn Post is C-suite executives at Fortune 500 Tech Companies. It should provide content relevant to them as well as cite external sources in case they want to explore the concept further on their own.

Limit this LinkedIn post to less than 1,000 words.


As you can imagine the quality of the output between the first prompt and the second is going to be drastically different. This is why you need this guide to learn how to write great prompts.

Concept Structure

We have structured these concepts in order of difficulty/ease of application. We will continue to re-order them based on our experience and community feedback.

Let's Dive In!

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